Monday, 1 November 2010

Risk Assessment

Here is our risk assessment sheet for when we come to start shooting our trailer:

Location filming risk assessment:
ActivityHazard?LikelihoodRisk Factor
Access to locationNoxx
Camera / Noxx
camera movements
Cables - elecricity, mics, YesNot likelyLow
extra lighting etc..
Night FilmingYesLikelyModerate
Traffic/Car shotYesLikelyHigh
Props: guns, etc..YesLikelyModerate

Action to prevent risk
Take precaution of the location of filming
and the public in this area
Need to choose a safe location, with
some form of lighting
Different action required - not
many stunts needed for filming anyway
Especially take precaution when driving
car and shooting around highly populated
areas with lots of traffic
Depending on the prop different action
required (list below)

List of possible hazards:

- Gun: ensure its safe to use, only used as a prop and not aimed towards anyones face etc..
- Baby doll: (no action required)
- Iphone4: handle with care! (Expensive prop)
- Car:
driven by licensed actor only! Make space and any stunts made have to be made when there are no people are around as not to harm anyone, be wary of location too!

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