Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Little White Lies - The Sin City Issue.

This cover is from "Little White Lies", a popular film magazine. The magazine often uses pastel backgrounds as a trademark of their magazine, this explains the mustard yellow backdrop for the photograph. The picture is cartoonized which is another of their trademarks. The picture is centered and very dark. Similarly to both the poster and the trailer the same character is focused on. They again used high key lighting to create harsh shadows on the portrait, this brings the picture to a more 3 dimensional level, and adds emphasis to the drawings on his face. The plasters on his face really stand out against the yellow background adding emphasis to the wounds on his face. on one of them there is a cross drawn on, the word boom, and a gun. I do not about the cross. However, "Boom" is to emphasize the comic book background of the film. The gun also helps to show the violence that he is involved in. in the mist of the sketched portrait we can see the words "HA HA", "BLAM", and the numbers "386". These must bear relevance to the film in some way so poses questions to an unaware audience. It is also subtle aspects that the people who have seen it will understand. Like the cross, there is two girls faces drawn in, this must have some underlying meaning to it, however i am not too sure what it is.

1 comment:

  1. HI there - do you own this copy of LWL? I am trying to get hold of one. Thank you
