Sunday, 31 October 2010

Shooting Schedule

13th December –
LOCATION: George's House
SHOT 1 - KITCHEN - At this location we will film the opening scene where 'Skrilla' is written out in the 'drugs'
SHOT 2 - BEDROOM - This is where Steon walks in and sees his sick girlfriend sleeping in the bed. He walks over and strokes her head. Then he walks over to his sock draw and takes out a gun.
SHOT 3 - HALLWAY - We then film Steon walking out of his house into his car and reversing off his drive.
SHOT 4 - OUTSIDE- Steon smoking

LOCATION: Alleyway
SHOT 1 - Steon waiting to do the drug deal
SHOT 2 - Akile(mugger) walks up to meet Steon, gives him the money and takes drugs .
SHOT 3 - Akile(mugger) walking off round the corner

LOCATION: Car park
SHOT 1 -Boss and Steon in car doing drug swap
SHOT 2 - Steon walking out of the car
SHOT 3 - Steon walking across car park
SHOT 4 - Car pulls up next to Steon, 2 muggers jump out (fight scene)
SHOT 5- Car reverses and Steon lays on floor without drugs or money

LOCATION: Main road
Steon running
For each of these shots we will take several shots so that we can choose from them which one works best and work well for the trailer. They will also be done in different angles to make the trailer look better.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Props for the trailer

Replica Gun

This gun will be used by Steon as he is holding it in his hand in one of the scenes and then hides it in his jeans when he his going to pick up the drugs that Boss has hidden away for him. this is to show that he carries a weapon on him showing what type of character he is.
Using this gun could cause a problem as we will be using this outside. The gun will only be shown for 5 seconds but we may have to contact the local police and let them know that we will be filming and the gun will be involved so that if any calls are made they know that everything is safe.

Grey Corsa

This is the car that Steon drives. It isn't in the scenes that often but will be used in the car chase scene and also the scene of Steon walking out of his house into his car and reversing off the drive.


This bag is what Boss uses to cary the drugs for Steon in. He hides this behind a wall in an alleyway, which is when Steon comes to pick it up.

Fake Drugs

We will make these with cling film and flour. These are the drugs that Boss gives to Steon and Steon sells off to another person. We won't need to contact the police for these as tehse will only be seen inside so there is no shot of them outside the house.


Money is used when Steon sells the drugs to someone else.

All of these are our own possesions and won't need to go out and purchase any of these items.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Location Recce

This is where Steon deals his drugs to the mugger

This is where the muggers come and take Steon's bag and money

This is where Boss and Steon would do the drug swap in Boss' car

George's house

This is where Steon deals his drugs to the mugger

Shot List

Here is a list of shots that we will be using in our trailer and have been shown through the storyboard.
· Title card
· Boss giving the drugs to Steon
· Boss and Steon knocking fists together – freeze frame
· Title card
· Steon driving car – outside view
· Steon driving car – inside view
· Steon walking into house
· Title card
· Mugger coming up behind Steon
· P.O.V – mugger punching Steon and the kicking in the face.
· Steon’s phone ringing with ‘Boss’ on the screen
· Title card
· Steon looking over his sick child
· Steon walking over to draws
· Steon rummaging through draws and pulling gun out
· Steon walking out the house with gun
· Title card
· Car chase
· Steon running/getting chased
· Steon hiding, heavily breathing
· Title card
· Title card

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


In a dark alleyway just off the main street, STEON (22) meets BOSS (41) where Boss hands Steon some drugs for him to sell and give the money back to him. Weather is dry, and it is dark, but not pitch black. Streetlight for lighting.
BOSS (to Steon)
You have two days to sort my money out

Close up of Steon's and Boss' fists together


Shot of the car as Steon is driving down the road, camera pans and follows the car

Close up of Steon in the car seat still driving, with money visable on the passenger seat.
Steon standing in front of his stationary car. Quiet road, not many people around.
MUGGER(21) comes up from behind Steon as he is walking into his house


Fist comes towards the camera as Mugger punches Steon, camera pans down towards the floor as Steon falls to the ground

Foot comes towards the camera as Mugger kicks Steon in the face when on the floor

After Steon wakes up, close up of Steon holding his phone, with 'Boss is calling' written across the screen

BOSS (angrily)
Where's my money? It's been two days!
Steon walks over to a set of drawers in his room and opens the top draw where a gun is. Stion takes the gun out of the draw.
Steon walks out of his house with the gun in his pocket

Mid close up of the muggers face in colour with the background black and white. Title card across with his name
Shot of two cars racing against each other, camera pans to follow them
Steon is running and getting chased by the people after him
Steon hiding and heavily breathing

Music Selection

i spoke to one of my friends who is doing music production and we collaborated together to create a soundtrack for the trailer. We did this using Logic Pro. The track was made by Jonny Spence along with my guidance, and i have also confirmed with him that i have the rights to the music. i really like how it has come out, and it works nicely with the composition of the trailer, it starts slow whilst everything is going right for Steon, and the song drops as soon he gets into trouble. This is the perfect type of music for this genre of film and through my research i feel it has combined to add real emphasis to the trailer.

Trailer Structure

My trailer will follow a central protagonist through his quest to find the money. therefore the trailer needs to compliment this. I have decided to create a flowchart to show how the trailer will flow.

Shot of Steon smoking out of his house, to show how this is starting of as any normal day.
Title board of Skrilla written in cocaine on a chopping board, and the s being sniffed up, setting the tone.
Steon kisses his girlfriend, romance is shown through camera and music.
Steon picks up his gun and goes out, showing the setting he lives in, and how his lifestyle means he needs protection.
Steon buys coke off a prolific dealer, power is shown of steon.
Steon is dealing further showing his lifestyle choice.
Steon gets jumped and his money and drugs stolen, showing his dilemma
we see him running away with a tracking shot.
End Titles

Friday, 22 October 2010

Final Cast list

Tim Purser - Boss
George Ready - Steon
Akile Burgess - Mugger 1
Greg Martin - Mugger 2
Ellie Graham - Steon's Girlfriend

In the lesson before I had wrote the possible cast list and then I had to contact the members of the cast list to finalise the decision for them to be in our productions.
Due to change of characters we have had to change the name of the main character from Jermaine to Steon as the names wouldn't match the person playing the part of the main character.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Possible cast list.

I have created a portfolio for all of our possible cast. We need to consider the flexibility of each potential actor because they need to be available when we are filming, and we also need to consider their confidence aI have created a portfolio for all of our possible cast. We need to consider the flexibility of each potential actor because they need to be available when we are filming, and we also need to consider their confidence and experience of acting.
Tim Purser - Steon/Boss
Greg Martin- Mugger/Steon/Boss
Grace Reohorn - Girlfriend
George Ready - Steon
Emile Sharp Ruddock - Steon/Boss
Ellie Graham - Steons girlfriend.
Akile Burgess - Mugger

Character profiles.

Steon – Steon is the main character in this story. He is a chav that works for Boss dealing drugs. He has a sick girlfriend which is the reason he is selling drugs so that the money can go towards making her better. We added this into the story so that the audience has a bit of sympathy for Steon. (George Ready)

Boss – Boss is a drug dealer who is at the top of the whole chain. He controls everyone and is wealthy off all the money he makes from selling drugs. Boss isn’t someone that you would want to get on the wrong side of as he could do serious damage to you if you didn’t pay back his money. (Tim Purser)

Mugger – The mugger isn’t in the story that often, but just comes up and mugs Steon and takes his money, leaving Steon in a dilemma of having to get £100,000 to Boss in the next day (Greg Martin)

Steon’s girlfriend – The girlfriend is ill but they don’t have enough money to pay for any tablets that would make her better (Ellie Graham)

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Editing resources.

For the editing process to take place the work will be done on an imac. The reason i will use an imac is because of its hgih processing ability and it is the industry standard for editing. For editing the film i will be using a piece of software called Final Cut. Final Cut is highly regarded as the best piece of editing software on the market, and it is used by the majority of proffesionals within the industry. It allows you to edit the clips and use transitions between frames to great effect and with previous trials on the software i feel confident in using it.
For the Ancillary tasks i will be using Photoshop CS5, by adobe, the best photo editing software on the market today. I feel very confident in using this having spent a lot of time on it previous to this project.

Sony HVR V1E

After talking with some of my friends who do the BTEC Media course at stratford college, i was given permission to use his camera. I was very happy with this because this outclasses the A1E, and would let me have the control i really wanted.
It still offers shooting in 1080i, however it also allows you to shoot in 25p, giving the look and feel to be more cinematic. With this camera it also has a wider dynamic range incorporating more colour and less noise into the shot which will help to give it a more proffesional look.

Sony A1E Specifications

Sony A1E

This is the highest quality camera available for use through the college. it films in 1080i and HDV, and boasts a 3mp display. For the sort of filming we are doing this should be absoloutly great. however if possible i would like to use a camera with more control so i can film it as best as i can.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Group Schedule

We have come up with a group schedule for the planning stage:

  • Grace:
- possible and finalised cast list: 5th November 2010
- possible locations: 5th November 2010
- risk assessment sheet: 5th November 2010
- shooting schedule: 10th November 2010
  • Sophie:
- prop list: 3rd November 2010
- call sheet: 10th November 2010
- in charge of contacting Warwickshire police about filming with toy gun: 16th November 2010
  • Ellie:
- possible cast list: 1st November 2010
- storyboard: 5th November 2010
- script written up: 5th November 2010
- shot list: 10th November 2010
- font test: 12th November 2010
- mock up of film poster: 26th November 2010
  • Tim:
- costume design: 5th November 2010
- finalised music for trailer (cut and edited): 15th November 2010
- putting trailer structure together on final cut pro: 15th November 2010
- storyboard images (basic structure)
- final cut pro: 16th November 2010
- storyboard structure and music
- Direct and Film Trailer.
  • Group:
- film and magazine titles: 21st October 2010
- possible cast: 1st November 2010
- costume ideas: 1st November 2010
- script brainstorming: 1st November 2010


Working Title

Estimated Duration
1 minute.

Intended Audience
males, aged eighteen to twenty-six. Aimed at the working class, little education needed to understand.

Social Realist Drama-Youth Culture

The story follows a central character called Jermaine who is a drug dealer in a local community. He has a criminal record so therefore cannot get an established job, so drug dealing his way of looking after his sick child. He "ticks" (loans) 1kg Cocaine of his dealer and has a week to pay him for it. However, he gets robbed in his neighborhood, and has his money stolen. he has two days to get the money, after which Boss will find him and kill him. the rest of the film is Jermaine trying to escape the clutches of boss.

No special effects, so a low budget is needed


I intend to ask the actors to work for free, this will increase the likelihood that our budget can be spread across other means.

The Equipment/Resources Required

Planning Schedule

Main Deadlines
  • All Planning Deadline: 5th November 2010
  • Main Product Deadline: 17th December 2010
  • Ancillary Products Deadline: 4th January 2011
  • Evaluation: 17th January

Planning Deadlines
  • Film and Magazine Title: 19th October 2010
  • Possible Cast: 21st October 2010
  • Selected Actors: 22nd October 2010
  • Costume Designs and Photographs: 24th October 2010
  • Trailer's Structure: 26th October 2010
  • Script: 26th October 2010
  • Music Selection: 26th October 2010
  • Storyboard: 28th October 2010
  • Anamatic 28th October 2010
  • Shot list: 29th October 2010
  • Location Recce: 29th October 2010
  • Props: 30th October 2010
  • Shooting Schedule: 31st October 2010
  • Risk Assessments: 1st October 2010
  • Call Sheet: 4th November 2010

Friday, 1 October 2010

Questionairre + Questionairre Results and Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

1. Gender?
Male Female
2. Age?
16-18 19-21 22+
3. Do you like watching films?
Yes No
4. If yes, what is your favourite film?

5. How often do you watch films?
Very often Often Not much
6. Do you like youth culture/gang films?
Yes No
7. If yes, what one is your favourite?

8. What information do you expect to get from a trailer?

9. How much information would you expect to find on a film poster?

10. What type of story lines do you expect to find in a youth culture film?

11. Are teaser trailers ever enough to excite you enough into going to watch a film?
Yes No

I used facebook, google mail and also handed out these questionnaires to get my results.

These graphs are answers to question 5 'How often do you watch films?'. As you can see there aren't many responses to the not much option, but as the age group gets higher there are more responses.

These next set of graphs are results from question 6, 'Do you like youth culture films?'. In the 16-18 age group, more males said yes than the females, and there were more females that said no than males. This pattern also continues in the age groups of 19-21. This shows that this genre has more of an appeal to male viewers. People in the age group 22+ all responded with no, showing that the target audience would be lower age groups as older people don't have much interest in this kind of genre.

These graphs are results for question 11, 'Are teaser trailers ever enough to excite you enough into going to watch a film?'. There were very little responses to the answer no, showing that teaser trailers do give off enough excitement and information, that makes the viewers want to go and see the film even though they don't get enough information to understand the film.

From doing this questionnaire I found that the youth culture genre is more popular with younger people from ages 16-21 than older adults. The majority of the people who took part in this questionnaire watched films on a regular basis and all thought that teaser trailers gave off enough information and excitement to make them go and see the film.
Many responses to question 8 & 9 were similar, saying that they would expect to understand the story line, know who the characters were and know the release date from a trailer, and for a poster just to see the title, cast names and release date.
The story line expectations of a youth culture film was very similar as well, as many people said they expected to see drug and alcohol abuse, sex, violence and some story about gangs. The majority's favourite youth culture film was Kidulthood or Adulthood.

New Media - Facebook

To research into our target audience, I sent out our questionnaire to some friends on facebook through a message where they replied with their answers. This is a good way of getting to our target audience as most people who like youth culture films tend to be younger ages. But also facebook has many different age ranges so it is easy to find your target audience. I also used googlemail to get some of my results.