Friday, 1 October 2010

Questionairre + Questionairre Results and Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

1. Gender?
Male Female
2. Age?
16-18 19-21 22+
3. Do you like watching films?
Yes No
4. If yes, what is your favourite film?

5. How often do you watch films?
Very often Often Not much
6. Do you like youth culture/gang films?
Yes No
7. If yes, what one is your favourite?

8. What information do you expect to get from a trailer?

9. How much information would you expect to find on a film poster?

10. What type of story lines do you expect to find in a youth culture film?

11. Are teaser trailers ever enough to excite you enough into going to watch a film?
Yes No

I used facebook, google mail and also handed out these questionnaires to get my results.

These graphs are answers to question 5 'How often do you watch films?'. As you can see there aren't many responses to the not much option, but as the age group gets higher there are more responses.

These next set of graphs are results from question 6, 'Do you like youth culture films?'. In the 16-18 age group, more males said yes than the females, and there were more females that said no than males. This pattern also continues in the age groups of 19-21. This shows that this genre has more of an appeal to male viewers. People in the age group 22+ all responded with no, showing that the target audience would be lower age groups as older people don't have much interest in this kind of genre.

These graphs are results for question 11, 'Are teaser trailers ever enough to excite you enough into going to watch a film?'. There were very little responses to the answer no, showing that teaser trailers do give off enough excitement and information, that makes the viewers want to go and see the film even though they don't get enough information to understand the film.

From doing this questionnaire I found that the youth culture genre is more popular with younger people from ages 16-21 than older adults. The majority of the people who took part in this questionnaire watched films on a regular basis and all thought that teaser trailers gave off enough information and excitement to make them go and see the film.
Many responses to question 8 & 9 were similar, saying that they would expect to understand the story line, know who the characters were and know the release date from a trailer, and for a poster just to see the title, cast names and release date.
The story line expectations of a youth culture film was very similar as well, as many people said they expected to see drug and alcohol abuse, sex, violence and some story about gangs. The majority's favourite youth culture film was Kidulthood or Adulthood.

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