Thursday, 3 February 2011

Evaluation: Question Three

Collectively as a group we decided that hosting our questionnaire upon the social networking site Facebook would be a convenient way of getting a wide audience to give us information. This also helped us to recognize whether or not we had reached our target audience, and to see if there was a secondary audience that liked the genre.

We also asked people for feedback on our three products to see what response we would get and to understand whether we were successful or not at creating them. we handed out one feedback sheet for each product.

Magazine Feedback:
The feedback we got on the magazine seemed positive. The majority of people would read the article and few said they wouldn't read it. From this we can take that it is aesthetically pleasing to our target audience. however through their comments i feel that there should have been more text and brighter colors on the front cover to draw readers in.

Film Poster

From this i can see the majority said that the poster was eye catching and suited the theme well. however people again wanted more graphics. If we had included more graphics we would have been going against the research we did and so played safe and replicated the style from these. Everyone said that they understood what category and genre the film fitted into through the poster. Also the majority said that they would go and see the film from seeing the poster.

Teaser Trailer
Finally, i have drawn the conclusion that the trailer was a great success. Only four people said that after they saw the trailer they would not want to see the film. however there has been a consistent four across the board that would not want to see the film and this is understandable because it is such a niche genre. I am pleased that they could see the genre through the trailer because this shows that my research was effective and helped me to develop a product that people would like to see.

Through my research i have found that all of our products were effective, and drummed up interest surrounding the film. The lack of comments for improvement gave me confidence, however i feel that if i could redo the work then a i would adhere to comments made, and hopefully create something that everyone liked.

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